100+ Prompts to Analyze Earnings Calls

In this guide, we provide 100+ prompts that you can use to analyze earnings call transcripts using large language models (LLMs).

9 months ago   •   7 min read


In the world of quantitative finance, earnings calls serve as a goldmine of information for investors.

The overwhelming amount of text data in earnings calls (and the fact that most people don't have time to keep listen to all the calls in their portfolio), make them an ideal candidate for large language models (LLMs).

Earnings calls can reveal a multitude of indicators—both qualitative and quantitative—about a company's performance, strategy, and future outlook. So how can one sift through this enormous volume of data to get actionable insights?

Below, you'll find an exhaustive list of over 100 prompts to guide your analysis of earnings calls. Using these prompts with our AI investment research platform, you can retrieve specific information or summarize entire earnings calls.

We've broken this list down into the following categories

  1. Financial Performance Metrics: Get the core financial picture of a company by dissecting key metrics and takeaways from the most recent earnings call.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Explore the nuances of the management's tone and communication during the earnings call.
  3. Product and Market Focus: Go beyond the numbers and understand how the company is positioning itself in the market.
  4. Technology and Innovation: Get insights into the company's discussions around AI, cybersecurity, or any other R&D investments.
  5. Corporate Strategy and Governance: Understand changes in executive leadership or corporate structure that might affect the company’s future performance.
  6. Industry Trends and Comparative Analysis: Extract valuable insights on market share, competition, and emerging industry standards.
  7. Employee and Talent Management: People make a business. Understand the company’s views on talent acquisition, employee well-being, and future training plans.
  8. Regulatory and External Factors: Learn about how the company is dealing with taxation, environmental regulations, and public policy.
  9. Customer and Market Insights: Take a deep dive into the company's customer-centric strategies.
  10. Marketing & Branding: Assess the company’s brand positioning, marketing channels, and customer engagement strategies.
  11. Capital Allocation and Dividends: What's the financial outlook like? Understand the company’s capital allocation strategies and plans for dividends or share buybacks.
  12. ESG and Social Impact: A modern business needs to be socially responsible. Examine mentions of ESG topics, CSR initiatives, and sustainability goals
  13. Forward-Looking Statements and Guidance: Look out for warnings or risk factors that the company emphasizes for future quarters.
  14. Analysts and Questions: Finally, explore the questions and concerns that financial analysts have.

With these 100+ prompts, you'll be better equipped to dissect any earnings call and derive actionable insights that are tailored to your investment research needs.

Ask questions and summarize earnings call transcripts in the MLQ app. You can sign up for a free account here.


Financial Performance Metrics

  1. Summarize key takeaways from the most recent earnings call of [Company Name].
  2. Identify the financial ratios highlighted during the earnings call and their implications.
  3. Discuss how the latest earnings results compare with Wall Street's expectations.
  4. Evaluate the impact of [Company Name]'s most recent earnings call on its stock price.
  5. Extract a summary of quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) and year-over-year (YoY) performance metrics from the latest earnings call of [Company Name].
  6. Summarize the revenue streams discussed in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  7. Discuss the implications of changes in gross margin as mentioned in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  8. Identify any mentions of cost-cutting or operational efficiency measures.
  9. Analyze any changes in operating income and their potential causes in the last earnings call for [Company Name].
  10. Extract mentions of free cash flow and its impact on the business in the last earnings call for [Company Name].
  11. Discuss the company's budgeting and forecasting approaches mentioned in the earnings call.
  12. Extract any mentions of scenario planning or sensitivity analysis.
  13. Identify the metrics used for financial planning and their significance.
  14. Discuss any updates on return on investment (ROI) from the latest earnings call.

Sentiment Analysis

  1. Conduct a sentiment analysis of the CEO's remarks during the most recent earnings call.
  2. Compare [Company Name]'s earnings call sentiment with industry benchmarks.
  3. Analyze sentiment in the opening and closing statements of [Company Name]'s most recent earnings call.
  4. Analyze the sentiment of questions from analysts during the Q&A section.
  5. Compare the sentiment of the latest earnings call with the company's previous calls
  6. Examine the tone of language used when discussing challenges or setbacks
  7. Analyze the sentiment in the responses to analysts' questions during the Q&A section.

Product and Market Focus

  1. Summarize mentions of market expansion or new product launches from the last earnings call.
  2. Identify any discussions about entering new markets in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Analyze discussions on customer acquisition costs and growth rates for business segments in [Company Name]'s most recent earnings call.
  4. Discuss any mentions of partnerships or collaborations to expand market reach.
  5. Extract mentions of product or service discontinuation.
  6. Summarize mentions of customer churn and its impact on revenue in the last earnings call.
  7. Discuss the potential impact of emerging technologies on the company's product line.
  8. Extract mentions of product lifecycle stages (introduction, growth, maturity, decline).

Technology and Innovation

  1. Extract mentions of machine learning and AI discussions in earnings calls across [Industry].
  2. Summarize mentions of cloud infrastructure and its business impact from the most recent earnings call of [Company Name].
  3. Summarize discussions around data analytics and its impact on decision-making.
  4. Extract any mentions of R&D investment strategies.]
  5. Analyze the focus on cybersecurity measures discussed during the earnings call.
  6. Discuss any mentions of partnerships with tech companies or startups.
  7. Summarize any discussions about investing in startups and its potential impact on the business.

Corporate Strategy and Governance

  1. Highlight mentions of mergers and acquisitions in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Summarize any changes in the executive team announced in the latest earnings call.
  3. Extract mentions of corporate governance changes in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  4. Discuss any mentions of changes in supply chain strategy.
  5. Identify discussions about diversity and inclusion at the governance level.
  6. Identify any mentions of changes in corporate structure, such as reorganizations.
  7. Discuss any hints at changes in corporate strategy.
  8. Discuss any hints at revising the mission or vision statements of the company.

  1. Generate a list of competitors mentioned in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Compare the topics of discussion in earnings calls between [Company 1] and [Company 2].
  3. Extract any mentions of market share and competitive landscape.
  4. Summarize industry forecasts mentioned in the earnings call.
  5. Summarize any mentions of supply chain disruptions or opportunities.
  6. Extract mentions of digital transformation trends in the industry.
  7. Summarize any emerging industry standards discussed in the earnings call.

Employee and Talent Management

  1. Summarize mentions of talent acquisition and employee growth in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Extract commentary on employee well-being and company culture from the latest earnings call of [Company Name].
  3. Discuss mentions of employee turnover rates.
  4. Extract any mentions of new or improved employee benefit programs.
  5. Discuss mentions of remote work policies and their impact.
  6. Analyze any discussions around employee training and development programs.
  7. Extract mentions of plans for employee reskilling or upskilling.

Regulatory and External Factors

  1. Highlight mentions of regulatory changes and their impact on the business from the most recent earnings call of [Company Name].
  2. Summarize discussions about geopolitical factors affecting the business in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Discuss mentions of taxation and its impact on future profits.
  4. Identify any mentions of government grants or incentives.
  5. Identify mentions of changes in environmental regulations affecting the business.
  6. Discuss any challenges or opportunities arising from public policy changes.
  7. Discuss any mentions of lobbying or political contributions.

Customer and Market Insights

  1. Summarize key mentions of customer satisfaction and feedback in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Analyze discussions about customer retention rates in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Summarize discussions about customer demographics and market segmentation.
  4. Extract mentions of changes in customer behavior or preferences.
  5. Summarize key mentions of customer lifetime value (CLV) in the most recent earnings call.

Marketing & Branding

  1. Analyze discussions around brand positioning and customer engagement in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Summarize any mentions of new marketing strategies or advertising campaigns discussed in the most recent earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Discuss any changes in marketing channels or platforms.
  4. Extract mentions of partnerships or sponsorships aimed at brand exposure.
  5. Analyze mentions of social media marketing strategies.
  6. Discuss the company's focus on customer experience and its impact on branding.
  7. Analyze any changes in branding or rebranding strategies discussed in the latest earnings call.

Capital Allocation and Dividends

  1. Summarize the capital allocation strategies discussed in [Company Name]'s latest earnings call.
  2. Discuss any mentions of dividend payments or share buybacks during the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Discuss mentions of debt restructuring or financing activities.
  4. Identify any changes in capital expenditure plans.
  5. Discuss any mentions of special dividends or one-time payouts.

ESG and Social Impact

  1. Examine the frequency of discussions around ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) topics in earnings calls in [Industry].
  2. Summarize mentions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  3. Summarize discussions on sustainability goals in the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  4. Discuss any mentions of community involvement or charitable donations.
  5. Extract mentions of energy efficiency or renewable energy projects.
  6. Extract mentions of carbon neutrality goals or timelines.

Forward-Looking Statements and Guidance

  1. Summarize the company's guidance for the upcoming quarter or year.
  2. Extract forward-looking statements from the earnings call and their potential implications.
  3. Highlight any upcoming milestones mentioned in the most recent earnings call of [Company Name].
  4. Extract any warnings or risk factors discussed for the future.
  5. Discuss any mention of expansion plans or potential mergers/acquisitions.
  6. Highlight any mentions of revised earnings guidance for the upcoming quarter or year.
  7. Identify any forward-looking financial metrics that the company is focusing on

Analysts and Questions

  1. List the questions posed by analysts during the Q&A session of the latest earnings call for [Company Name].
  2. Provide a list of FAQs frequently asked by analysts in earnings calls across [Industry].
  3. Extract key questions that went unanswered in the latest earnings call of [Company Name].
  4. Identify any instances where the company deferred or declined to answer specific questions.
  5. Discuss any surprising or unexpected questions posed by analysts.
  6. Discuss any unexpected answers or clarifications given during the Q&A session.
Ask questions and summarize earnings call transcripts in the MLQ app. You can sign up for a free account here.

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